TMP stands for Team Management Profile
An individual's Team Management Profile highlights their major and two related areas of work preferences on the Margerison-McCann Team Management Wheel. Work preferences are explored in terms of:
How an individual prefers to relate to others
How an individual gathers and uses information
How an individual makes decisions
How an individual organizes themselves and others
Reporter-AdviserSupporter, helper, tolerant; A collector of information; Dislikes being rushed; Knowledgeable; Flexible
Creator-InnovatorImaginative; Future-oriented; Enjoys complexity; Creative; Likes research work
Explorer-PromoterPersuader, "seller"; Likes varied, exciting, stimulating work; Easily bored; Influential and outgoing
Assessor-DeveloperAnalytical and objective; Developer of ideas; Enjoys prototype or project work; Experimenter
Thruster-OrganizerOrganizes and implements; Quick to decide; Results-oriented; Sets up systems; Analytical
Concluder-ProducerPractical; Production-oriented; Likes schedules and plans; Pride in reproducing goods and services; Values effectiveness and efficiency
Controller-InspectorStrong on control; Detail-oriented; Low need for people contact; An inspector of standards and procedures
Upholder-MaintainerConservative, loyal, supportive; Personal values important; Strong sense of right and wrong; Work motivation based on purpose.